alza laying down looking up and waving“Hello world!” says the alzas! Standing approximately 7 inches tall and weighing between 2 to 4 ounces, these small but magical Christmas helpers are instrumental in spreading peace, love, joy, and unconditional kindness throughout the world. Their name comes from a Spanish verb that means to ‘raise up.’ They have magical powers to raise things up and to enlarge objects. They also have a mission in life to raise up others by being kind and spreading unconditional love.

How do reindeer fly? The answer is that it is a team effort! The alzas provide the magic to help the reindeer lift off the ground and keep them in the air. Jammie Claus teaches the reindeer to take off, fly through the sky, and land gently. On Christmas Eve, Jammie Claus guides her reindeer who pull the gingerbread sleigh through the sky to deliver pajamas to all! And… Santa guides his reindeer through the sky to deliver Christmas presents! Now you know that the alzas ride with both Jammie Claus and Santa to make the sleighs and reindeer fly!

alza laying down looking forwardThat is the magical work of the alzas! Because they have the magical power to enlarge objects, they also can shrink them down to very small. This means that Santa can fit millions and millions of presents in his Santa bag. The alzas enlarge them back to their regular size as they get delivered to each home! Similarly, Jammie Claus travels with millions of pajamas in her sleigh! The alzas use their magical powers to shrink them down to all fit in her gingerbread sleigh (and to make the trip a bit easier on the reindeer) and then enlarge them back to their regular size as they place them in your Jammie Claus bag. This is hard work, and just like regular people, sometimes they make mistakes. You might notice that sometimes your pajamas are a little too big or a little too small. This just means the alzas used some extra magic for your pajamas!

alza laying down writing a noteHave you heard of the saying ‘like an alza’? Well, now you have! The alzas mission in life is to raise up others by being kind and spreading unconditional love. This means they try their best to be kind, loving, and positive towards others. This makes working together much more enjoyable and fun, which is why throughout the Jammie Claus book you will see their hilarious commentary! The alzas would like everyone to be #LikeAnAlza by doing unconditional acts of kindness, spreading peace and joy, and being kind to others. They also want to hear about how you are being like an alza so be sure to tell them @TheAlzas on Instagram or Twitter.

Where do the alzas live? The alzas live on Kringle Kritter Family Farm! This is the farm where Jammie Claus grew up. If you look closely at the map, you can see their tiny house right next to the house that Jammie Claus lived in when she was a little girl. Santa and Jammie Claus spend much of their time on the farm when they are not in the North Pole.

Want to know more about the Alzas? Subscribe to our newsletter! Our next book is about the alzas and is expected to be released winter 2020!

Written by Megan Holmes

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